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Originally named as Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe it was one of the first seven villas founded by the Spanish and its name apparently comes from the aborigine chief Camaguebax. The city, also known for its large earthenware jars (tinajones), rises up between the rivers of Tínima and Hatibonico. It boasts ancient dwellings and mansions over two centuries old. The city also features re... For more information...

The war was reinforced in the eastern provinces of Oriente, Camagüey and Las Villas, during the days of September 13 to 16th of 1895, due to the fact that a meeting was held in Jimaguayú, a historical site of the restructuring by Agramonte. The representatives of the Cuban revolutionaries in arms gathered in order to establish the laws by which the young Revolution would continue its path to vic... For more information...

It was officially founded as a city in 1818, although its history dates back to November 18th of 149, when Christopher Columbus landed on its shores and in a beautiful place lacking trees he raised a great cross, naming it Puerto Príncipe (Prince’s Port), as well as naming a group of isles the King’s Gardens (Jardines del Rey) and the bay or gulf that bathed its shores, Our Lady’s Sea (Mar de Nue... For more information...

This is the largest archipelago of those that surround the island of Cuba and is part of the province of Ciego de Ávila. The most famous, the Gardens of the King (Jardines del Rey) is of astounding beauty and is one of the main tourist destinies of beaches in the country. Its marine bottoms are protected by a coral reef that is the second most extensive in the world, because the first is in A... For more information...

San Juan de Dios Square
The existence of this unequalled spot in the city of Camagüey dates back to the XVIII century (1728), according to documents from the ancient villa of Santa María of Puerto del Príncipe. The name of the architectural ensemble comes from the order of the Brothers of Saint John of God (Hermanos de San Juan de Dios). The majestic colonial architecture has been preserved in the legendary city and ... For more information...

As an adequate precursor for such great history, the first Constitution of the Republic in Arms was held at Guáimaro, a territory located east of Camagüey, where the main protagonists of the insurrection met in April of 1869, only a few months after the beginning of the first struggle for the nation’s freedom. In this encounter, in which the bravest representatives of independence took part,... For more information...


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...Extraordinary Sportsmen. Why are Cubans such talented athletes? How many gold medals have been won? How do they train? Local sports results. Sport is Cuba's national passion, baseball is the favourite. Take a look inside Cuba's sports scene...

...Fun, fun, fun. This is our focus with this site. Night-life, dancing, beach parties, group activities. Whether you want to skydive or just visit the hot clubs, cubafun.com will provide you with as much 'fun' as you need! Interactive responses to your email questions available...

...Since the introduction of the # 77 foreign investment law in 1995, Cuba has become an excellent foreign investment venue. Real estate, Tourism, Hotels, manufacturing and many other sectores. Our onsite team can walk you through every aspect of an investment, from the dream to reality...

...Cuban culture, what makes the Cubans 'tick'? Racial mixes, music, art, cultures by region, food, local drinks and much more. Find out about celebrities and how they came to be.

...If you are single or a couple, you need not feel alone in Cuba. This site specifically focuses upon those people who need "a friend onsite". Take a look at the individual activities, single room rates, best "sole traveler" prices, excitement and fun. Our onsite team will "make it happen". 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

..Advice. It's free and current on this site, don't travel without printing these pages! You may not need a tour guide, when you have read these pages. Every morcel of 'advice' from various sources. Interactive questions answered immediately...

…We do our best to provide you with the most precise and updated information about Cuba. We have a diversity of topics, images, simplified search, and new pages devoted to online sales for tourists and business persons interested in investing on the island.
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