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 Places of Interest


Baconao Park
Only 20 kilometres away from the city of Santiago de Cuba and some 80 000 hectares of surface area is Baconao Park, penetrating in Guantánamo’s territory. The visitor is awed by the variety of spots to discover and explore, among them beaches, historical and natural sites, unique museums, as well as a variety of restaurants and cafeterias. Created in 1981, it features several tourist attractio... For more information...

This bridge marks the territorial limit by way of the Via Blanca Highway of the provinces of Havana and Matanzas, and so both territories squabble for this genuine jewel of Cuban architecture of an extension of 114 metres and heights of around 110 metres. The construction was finished in 1960 and the arch of the bridge was made out of laminated metal, set up in two sections, each one turning un... For more information...

It is located on Genas St. No.560 between Calzada and Colonel Verdugo, municipality of Cárdenas, only 10 miles away from the famous beach of Varadero. This cultural institution was declared a National Monument since 1971 due to its historical and architectural values. Inside the building there are 983 objects on exhibit. It has nine rooms, one of them decorated in a way that recreates the ch... For more information...

This area maintains its original name and has a high historical value, due to the fact that it is where the first human settlements were made. As early as 1536 the metropolis donated some portions of land to the Spanish settlers from the Peninsula, where they made their home for many years. The historical value of this place is outstanding, one of the events that took place here was on October ... For more information...

Featuring an attractive environment, this cave is found along the road that leads into the city of Matanzas and to Varadero beach, exactly four kilometres east of the town of Carbonera. This natural site was declared a National Monument in 1996. It is characterised by eleven kilometres of subterranean galleries and features the most extraordinary secondary formations, especially interesting ar... For more information...

Nature lovers consider this southeast area of Cuba a place well worth visiting, in order to admire its almost virgin forests, blue, clear water beaches, lakes and caverns and natural pools. Thirty percent of the native fauna live here, while of the 171 species of birds, 18 are native to the island. There is also a great variety of crocodiles, reaching some 15 000 individuals, as well as the manat... For more information...

To visit this unique place allows one to meet the brave people that work on developing the species, after stopping the accelerated process of the crocodile’s disappearance in Cuba. This nursery, the largest in the country, located in the Zapata Swamps (Ciénaga de Zapata), is one of the best-preserved areas regarding its flora and fauna. It covers a surface area of some 600 square kilometres, a... For more information...

Declared a National Monument in 1978, it is a preserved military construction at the mouth of the Canimar River, in the city of Matanzas. It is located in one of the fortresses that protected the city from the constant attacks of pirates, and it adopted its present day look around 1830. Pieces of aborigine archaeology are on exhibit, since the fortress was constructed in the middle of the l... For more information...

An invasion took place in April of 1961 in the well-known Bay of Pigs (Bahía de Cochinos), financed by the United States, and using elements against the Cuban Revolution. In the landing there were over 1 600 mercenaries, which were defeated in less than 72 hours. That historical event was the United States’ first military defeat in Latin America, and the place still holds many testimonies, as well... For more information...

Built in 1849 it is located in the Plaza of Cristóbal Colón, where the city of Cardenas was founded and also its political, administrative and cultural centre, very near Varadero Beach. This building has had several social uses and has witnessed several historical events, some of the most notable being the lodging of the generals of the Mambi army: Máximo Gómez Báez, Antonio Maceo Grajales and ... For more information...

This monument marks the place where the Independence War of the east was reborn on February 24th of the year of 1895. The event, known as the Cry of Ibarra (Grito de Ibarra) was organised by the National Hero José Martí from his exile and directed in this territory by two great personalities of Cuba’s history: Juan Gualberto Gómez and Antonio López Coloma. This is a perpetual tribute of remembr... For more information...

With the name of San Carlos and San Severino of Matanzas it was founded on October 12th of 1693 and today has a surface area of almost 12 000 square kilometres and over 700 000 inhabitants. It is known as the Athens of Cuba. The city is divided by the San Juan River (río San Juan) and is characterised by its cultural development, whose most significant expression is the Sauto Theatre (Teatro Sau... For more information...

Palmar del Junco Stadium
Located in the heart of the city of Matanzas, capital of the province of the same name, it is some 100 kilometres from Havana City. It was built in 1847 and treasures the historical event of Cuba’s first baseball game that took place there in 1874. The Cuban Hall of Fame of this sport has been planned to be created here, due to the historical significance of this stadium, where baseball games hav... For more information...

A brief history of the Trail (Trocha) from Júcaro to Morón. In the wars of 1868 and 1895, the Trocha was an insurmountable barrier, as the Spanish thought, and after it was finished, it became the most perfect and sophisticated military construction that the Spanish Colonialism had in America. Of course it was never a deterrent for the glorious Mambi Army (Ejército Mambí), who in both wars kep... For more information...

This monument erected in memory of the Rebel Slave (Esclavo Rebelde) is found on the land belonging to the ancient sugar mill of Triunvirato, founded in the XIX century, a period in which many sugar mills were set up and started functioning in the Matanzas area. Precisely here, events of such transcendental importance took place on November fifth of 1843, that they provoked the burst of the g... For more information...

Is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and is located in the Icacos Peninsula with some 22 kilometres of admirable fine white sand beaches and different tones of azure tinted ocean. This area is visited yearly by hundreds of thousands of people from around the world. All kinds of conditions are available in order to satisfy the most demanding tastes, from its modern interna... For more information...


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